Superhero Training is coming to Portland Comic Con!

Superhero Basic Training has been selected as one of Come See Me - Portland - 250x250the featured workshops at Portland Comic Con!

Full Title: Superhero Basic Training Workshop – Your Superpowers at Work

Date: Sunday, Jan 25
Time: 1:30 – 3pm
Place: Oregon Convention Center, Room C123 (capacity 230)

Sure, it’s easy to be a superhero at Comic Con, but what about outside of here, such as at work? How can you show up with all of your skills, talents and abilities to astound and even inspire co-workers? In this workshop, you’ll get the chance to explore what its like to ACT like a superhero in other parts of your life.

Be forewarned that this is an interactive workshop, not a panel or a presentation: don’t come expecting to be entertained (though you will be), come to this session because you want to learn something new about yourself and what it means to be a superhero in your own life.

Come in, do the work, have fun, change your life. ‘Nuff Said.


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One Comment

  1. Looking good! Make sure your Facebook settings are set to Public, I get an error message that some people may not be able to see when I share your posts. Good work, my friend!

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